Welcome Home Bears!

Homecoming 2024 is going Back to the Basics.

Homecomings at Morgan State University have always been a special occasion. For the thousands of Morgan alumni from around the world and across the country, returning to campus during homecoming weekend provides a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with alma mater in celebration of Morgan's excellence and growth.

Morgan’s homecoming is also a family reunion, a time for sharing special moments with lifelong friends and catching up with classmates from years past. Lastly, it is an opportunity to rededicate and reinvest in Morgan’s future and continued success. That’s why this year, homecoming at Morgan is going Back to the Basics, back to what homecoming was meant to be — respect for self, respect for our campus, and respect for the traditions, customs, and rites that make Morgan great. 

So, in the spirit of going Back to the Basics, we hope that all our Morganites and guests experiencing our beloved National Treasure campus will share in our commitment to embracing and modeling Morgan's greatness during this time-honored reunion.

Fair Morgan!


Homecoming 2024

Week At A Glance

Sunday 9/29

Homecoming Church Service
11am - 12:30pm  @University Chapel

Monday 9/30

HIT workout w/Valdez Harmon, ‘09
6pm - 8 pm   @Outside the Library

Mister & Miss Morgan State University Coronation “Lights, Camera, Action”
7pm  @Murphy Fine Arts Center Gilliam Concert Hall

Mister & Miss Morgan State University Coronation Ball
9pm - 11pm  @USC Ballroom

Wednesday 10/2

Homecoming Concert
8pm  @Hill Field House

Thursday 10/3

Alumni Relations/MSUAA Inaugural Alumni Basketball Game
6pm (Women’s) / 8pm (Men’s)  @Hurt Gym

Friday 10/4

Morgan State University Alumni Association Business Meeting
11:00 am   @Student Center Theater (Financial Members Only. Must register

Pep Rally
7:30pm. @Hughes Stadium

Homecoming Gala 
8pm  @Martin’s West

Saturday 10/5

Homecoming Parade

Receptions & Reunions
 9am - 2pm  @University Student Center

Vendor Village
9am - 4pm

Alumni Tent
12pm - End of Game  @Hughes Stadium

Homecoming Football Game: MSU Bears vs Lincoln University
1pm  @Hughes Memorial Stadium

7am - 7pm

Sunday 10/6

Alumni Association Memorial Service
11am  @University Student Center Theater

Homecoming Parade

Parade Information